Factor analysis, examination data, use method, and result of the price assessment; 估价因素分析,估价勘测数据,估价使用方法,估价结果;
The exploring and confirmatory factor analysis on enterprise's intellectual capital structure in China 我国企业知识资本结构的探索性与验证性因素分析
Factor analysis and cluster analysis were used to identify the food factors and dietary pattern clusters. 使用因素分析和群组分析确定食物因素和饮食模式群组。
A text-independent speaker verification method is proposed based on eigenvoice factor analysis algorithm. 提出了一种基于本征音因子分析的文本无关的说话人识别方法。
Factor analysis method can solve multiple mutual linear problem in chemical components evaluation indexes. 因子分析法可以解决烤烟化学成分评价指标的多重共线性问题;
Use factor analysis in econometrics to analyze the quality income of the listed companies of electronic categories systematically. 应用计量经济学中的因子分析法,系统分析了电子类上市公司的收益质量指标。
We use factor analysis method to evaluate partner building safety in the setting of virtual enterprise of construction project. 应用因子分析法对建设项目动态联盟背景下的伙伴施工安全进行评价。
The result of confirmatory factor analysis supported the two-dimension structure of optimism-pessimism. 验证性因素分析的模型比较结果支持乐观悲观二维结构;
A Study on the Evaluation System of Tourism Destination Competitiveness Based on Factor Analysis 基于因子分析的旅游目的地竞争力评价指标体系研究
The simple factor analysis of variance and further statistical method of multiple comparison and independent exponent t-test were used. 运用单因子方差分析及进一步的多重比较、立样本t检验的统计方法。
The paper study the pollution factors of water resource and aquaculture water in aquaculture Penaeus chinensis with factor analysis. 本文应用因子分析法分析了影响对虾养成期间水源和养殖用水的主要污染因子。
Study of the City's Economy Transition Based on the Factor Analysis Method 基于因子分析法的城市经济转型研究
Western triangle; the quality of economic growth; factor analysis; 西三角地区;经济发展质量;因子分析;
The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, factor analysis, reliability analysis and LISREL. 资料分析的方法有描述性统计、单因子变异数分析、因素分析、信度分析及线性结构方程式。
Application of Factor Analysis in a Synthetic Evaluation of Flying Ability 因子分析法在飞行能力的综合分析与评价中的应用
This text introduced the index number system and factor analysis applying in coal purchase analysis. 本文以具体事例介绍了指数体系及因素分析法在煤炭采购经济活动分析中的运用。
A basic knowledge of factor analysis is required and a working knowledge of linear algebra is helpful. 因子分析的基本知识是必要的,对线性代数的工作经验是有益的。
To verify the reliability and validity of the scale, confirmatory factor analysis was employed for parameter estimation. 为了验证量表之效度与信度,我们藉由验证型因素分析来估计参数。
This is the single factor analysis. 这就是单因素分析。
Based on the researches of other scholars, this paper the measure dimensionality of thailand business by factor analysis. 在总结学者们相关研究的基础上,利用泰国企业的数据对动态能力的测量维度进行了因子分析。
Data were analyzed by factor analysis, one-way analysis of variance, two-way analysis of variance. 本研究采用因素分析、单因子变异数分析及二因子变异数分析进行结果的描述及假设的检定。
Study of Synthetic Evaluation Method Based Kernel Factor Analysis 基于核因子分析的综合评价方法研究
Factor analysis was performed on17 quantitative characters of24 varieties ( lines) of upland cotton with high quality. 对24个高品质陆地棉品种(系)的17个数量性状进行因子分析和聚类分析。
The Influencing Factors of International Trade Fluctuation in China& Based on Factor Analysis 我国国际贸易波动的影响因素&基于因子分析的研究
And using confirmatory factor analysis, data was used to confirm the validity and reliability. 同时对有效数据的验证性因素分析论证三维结构模型的合理性。
An analysis of trace element and oxide enrichment pattern is carried out by using factor analysis method. 利用因子分析法对微量元素和氧化物的富集规律及其环境意义进行了探讨。
This paper uses factor analysis, focusing on the issue of the future continued leading industries choices. 由此,本文运用因子分析的方法,重点研究了该市未来接续主导产业上的选择问题。
Investment earnings in the industry, and risk factor analysis. 投资该行业的赢利点和风险因素分析。
This paper, based on the factor analysis and clustering analysis, attempts the empirical researches on Chinese regional catering industrial competitiveness. 采用因子分析和聚类分析方法,对中国区域餐饮业竞争力的驱动因素和驱动模式进行了实证研究。
The second procedure ( Study Two) aimed at identifying the major types of college stress through factor analysis. 第二个步骤(研究二)通过对开放式问卷的结果进行因素分析,确定压力类型。